Autor: Wolf
Musik gekauft: Deer Heart von Tilman Robinson
Deer Heart by Tilman Robinson
Bei FiveThirtyEight verteidigen sie das nahezu komplette Danebenliegen der polls: But to a first approximation, people are probably giving the polls a little bit too much blame. National polls will eventually miss the popular vote by about 2 percentage points, which is right in line with the historical average (and, actually, a bit better than national polls did in 2012). Letztlich bleibt die scheinbare…
Verlinkt: Taking Election Results like a Stoic
A Stoic response to an election gone wrong toes a delicate line: in one sense—though admittedly a technical one—an evil government is not a “bad” thing. Even the most corrupt and decrepit government lies outside the sphere of choice, and it is my virtue, resilience, and choices as a social actor going forward, not my…
Verlinkt: Ist die US-Verfassung schuld am Aufstieg von Donald Trump?
Die Verfassung ist so konstruiert, dass sie keine wirklich effektive Regierung ermöglicht, weil wir befürchteten, das würde Tyrannei zu einfach machen. Also, stattdessen haben wir dieses sozusagen byzantinische System der Gewaltenteilung und der Checks and Balances gewählt, das all diese Verwirrungen erzeugt. Via Verfassungsblog
Imaginative Anthropology: In Celebration of Ursula K. Le Guin
Ursula K. Le Guin was raised by an anthropologist and a writer. Not just any anthropologist: her father Alfred L. Kroeber, was the first person to earn a Ph.D. in anthropology in the United States, and after graduating from Columbia University he founded the first anthropology program at Berkeley. via