500beine | Studio Glumm – „Schon Mitte der Achtzigerjahre dokterte Lonnie, vielseitig talentiert, an einem Groß-Roman, einem Sittengemälde mit dem ebenso treffenden wie bombastischen Arbeitstitel Der Patientenplanet.“
Apple’s Health App: Where’s the Power? – „The Health app is literally dangerous, specifically to people dealing with/in recovery from eating disorders and related obsessive-compulsive behaviors. Obsessive weight tracking and calorie counting are classic symptoms. These disorders literally kill people. A lot of people.“
8 Ways ‘Liberal Democracies’ Are Structurally Violent – „In order to experience Western society as generally non-violent you have to be in a very specific structural position. In simple terms, in order to buy this shit you really have to be a cisgender, heterosexual, middle class, white, male citizen of a Western country.“
Weekend Read: The Imminent Decentralized Computing Revolution – „A mega-trend is brewing that could make bureaucratic hierarchies, middlemen and gatekeepers everywhere obsolete including social networks, banks, stock exchanges, electronic voting systems and even governments. It’s called decentralized computing, and it could fundamentally transform the way we connect to and exchange value on the Internet.“